Cardiacs Seaside Treats Book
Not sure what the story is behind this 22 paged book. Nick thinks it went out with the Seaside Treats 12″, but is not sure about this. If anyone knows the origin of the book leave a comment below. (click here for a full screen view) Enjoy!
the book came from a package the band put together at gigs you could buy the book , video,12inch a signed piccie a couple of Badges and a poster all for £15 i seem to remember
Definitely bought my copy at one of the Marquee gigs. I think 8 October 1984??
Not sure about the origins but I bought my copy at the same time I bought the Seaside Cassette – March 16th 1984 at the Southampton Guildhall show, supporting Here & Now. 20p springs to mind along with £3 for the cassette, but my memory plays tricks these days.
please could you let me know how many 12″ seaside treats were pressed?